Friday, June 5, 2009

Color your Mood

Know what color to wear to match your mood


- symbolizes awakening. It exudes power, energy, and a passion for life. It is known to heal sexual difficulties and anemia.

Truth: movement, new beginnings, decisions, passion, love, energy, life, security
Challenge: Anger, frustration, lethargy, nervousness

Wear red when:
You want your sexuality to exude from your being.
Your energy is low and you need a boost.
You want to be assertive and want to make things happen faster.

Do not wear red when:
You're feeling nervous.
You do not want attention.
You are feeling frustrated and angry with everyone.

Often worn by Eastern aesthetics. Orange is associated with vibrant health. It has the same vibrational frequency as DNA, the template of all human cells. This color is known to heal shock.

Truth: creativity, new ideas, confidence joy, sensuality, ambition, sports, childhood
Challenge: shock, fear of survival, dependency, letting go, control

Wear orange when:
You wanna have fun and your sensual circuits need a boost.
You need to heal your emotions.
You want to heighten your creativity.

Do not wear orange when:
You want to relax your feminine/masculine charms
You feel restless.
You want to take a rest.

a color often worn by entertainers because it makes them stand out in a crowd and confronts the challenge of being the center of attention. Yellow is know to heal the digestive tract.

Truth: freedom, optimism, mental activity, concentration, open-mindedness,
Challenge: fear, no boundaries, negativity, timidity

Wear yellow when:
You need to attend to details
You are studying and need to keep your mind awake.
You want to infuse some joy into your life.

Do not wear yellow when:
you feel fear.
You do not want to be the center of attention
You want to relax your mind.

Those seeking their own identity, fulfillment of their hearts desire, and/ or are searching for a new direction are drawn to wear this color. By doing so, they are challenged to find ways of creating their own abundance. Green heals the heart, eases tension and regenerates cells.

Truth: security, abundance nature, heart matters, new space, new beginnings, balance
Challenge: unrealistic, shying away from people/society, stagnancy

Wear green when:
You want to see things from a different perspective.
You desire more space around you.
You need to feel like both feet are on the ground.

Do not wear green when:
You are confused about where life is taking you.
You feel your life is stagnant.
You do not want to face the truth of a situation.

True blue symbolizing devotion worn by most authority figures- nurses, policemen etc. anyone who consistently wears blue are deep thinkers and tend to re-energize by seeking their own company above that of others.

Truth: authority, peace, organized, practical devotion, structure, communication
Challenge: aloofness, control issues, isolation, depression, martyrdom

Wear blue when:
You wan to exude an air of calm authority.
You need to be more organized.
You want to communicate something important

Do not wear blue when:
You feel isolated or lonely.
You feel depressed.
You are being too critical of yourself and others.

can indicate major change and a need to retreat, as a caterpillar retreats into a cocoon before it transforms into a butterfly .

Truth: transformation, spiritual self-realization, truth, creativity, recovery, healing
Challenge: pain, misuse of power, bruising, looking for a way out, grief, unemotional

Wear violet when:
You want to transform something in your life.
You are seeking purpose in your life.
You need to let go of destructive behavior or addictions.

Do not wear violet when:
You are daydreaming, instead of doing.
You want to turn your back on society
You suffer grief but your emotions are blocked.

Pink symbolizes unconditional love, wearing it encougaes a sense of affection, increases sensitivity, and challenges you to confront your vulnerabilities.

Truth: unconditional love, affection, flirting, open to love, hearing
Challenge: lack of self-love/self-esteem, healing grief, immaturity, vulnerable

Wear pink when:
You want to feel feminine and vulnerable.
You want others to love you instantly.
You need to concentrate and listen.

Do not wear pink when:
You feel vulnerable and insecure
You are giving all te time and not receiving.
You feel fragmented.

the symbolism is based in part on the antural world. For instance, the soil offers some insight into the meaning of brown- needed to grow food, without it, we would be challenged to find ways to survive.

Truth: security, practicality, work, money, commitments, determination to succeed
Challenge: loss of security, lack of money, fear of survival

Wear brown when:
You need to ghet down to some hard work
You need to organize your finances
You feel tyhat everything in your life is going well

Do not wear brown when:
You want to expend a lot of energy
You are feelinfg too bogged down with things
You are not interested with hard work and want to play instead

Known to enhance the healing of the immune system, usefull for illnesses such as AIDS. Native Americans use the semi-precious stone Turquoise as an allergy healer also in autoimmune coditions

Truth: Communication, lecturing, media, immune system healer
Challenge: inability/unwilling to communicate, poor defense, rejection

Wear turquoise when:
You are lecturing- especially around the throat
You want to tap into your creativity through dance, music, art, etc.
You want to connect into your own spirituality.

Do not wear turquoise when:
You feel rejected.
You dont to talk about it
You are more interested in yourself and not with others

1 comment:

  1. this is what you called "makulay ang buhay"... that's the beauty of life ... having different mood in a every moment..
