Friday, April 17, 2009


I'm so happy! I saw Jan Reinze's computer 1 day and I noticed that everything was in pretty shades of brown. I asked him about it and he said that, he customized it. I wasnt really surprised because I know that Jan is good with computers. Aside from Nung Rene, he's the one I usually run to for help when my compter is talking alien. “Greetings Earthlings...Take me to your leader”

I said to myself that one day, I'll be able to tame my alien Ubuntu and dress him up like an Earthling. I didnt know that today is the start of my reighn over the not-so alien-anymore Ubuntu.

Wha-ha-ha-ha-ha...(cough) (cough) (cough)...And again...(Took a deep breath and...)Wha-ha-ha!!!

Guess what! I changed my wall paper!!!

I have this pretty green picture of a blurry flower that I wanted to use as a wall paper. I don't know how to do it, so I asked Zaza if she knows how to. She came and generously helped me out, but since she's not good friends with Ubuntu, she ended up advising me to consult our other friend Google.

Google asked some of his acquaintances, and one of them gave me the tip on how to dress up Ubuntu. I guess Ubuntu liked it, because we ended up shopping for a few more clothes, he's even willing to share some of his clothes to my new friend I'm just so glad that Ubuntu and I are getting along well now. If there's anyone of you who wants to see my Ubuntu, please don't hesitate to come and visit him in my workstation. He's now wearing a flowered outfit in a striking shade of green.